Connected mode

The plugin can be configured to use Connected mode. In this case, rules will be synchronized from your SonarQube server. Run the following commands on the terminal for the namespace you want to connect:

Set ^SonarLint("url")=""
Set ^SonarLint("projectKey")="ProjectName"

Then you have to specify either token:

Set ^SonarLint("token")="yoursonarqubetoken"

Or login/password:

Set ^SonarLint("login")="login"
Set ^SonarLint("password")="password"

How to Generate a Token

To generate a token in SonarQube, go to User > My Account > Security. Your existing tokens are listed here, each with a Revoke button.

The form at the bottom of the page allows you to generate new tokens. Once you click the Generate button, you will see the token value. Copy it immediately; once you dismiss the notification you will not be able to retrieve it.